27 Oct Protect Your Dreams
Your YES has to be bigger than their NO!
I was speaking with an entrepreneur who was focused on beginning a new business. You could feel the excitement in her voice as she talked about being of service and making money. Lisa had done her due diligence and created a business plan with the support of trusted and knowledgeable advisors and was ready to launch! When sharing this new endeavor with some family members and close friends, she was immediately met with…
- It’s not viable.
- Most new businesses fail, so why bother?
- Why don’t you just get another job?
- Isn’t it going to be too difficult to find clients?
Hearing those comments from people close to her, quickly took the wind out of her sails. She felt deflated and defeated before even beginning. Lisa began to question herself. Can I really do this? Is it viable? Am I making a mistake?
It is perfectly OK if others do not believe in your dreams and goals. Most likely, they are projecting their own limiting beliefs, BUT you do not have to let them rent space in your head!
Your YES has to be bigger than their NO!
The reality, not everyone will have the ability to accept and support your vision. While this can be very challenging at times, especially with those closest to us, it does not have to derail your plans.
Whether you want to start a business, grow an existing one, advance your career in corporate, or simply add a new chapter to your book of life…the decision always comes first. Decide. Commit. Take action and…
Stay connected to your “why”.
If you have a strong desire to create something in your life, to be, do or have more, tap into that emotion and push forward. Desire always finds a way. Connect to it on an emotional level. Ask yourself questions to gain clarity.
- Why is it important to you?
- What do you value about this next chapter?
- How will your life be different once you achieve your new goal?
Focus on the feeling of having accomplished it already! Become crystal clear with what you want and let that image be your resource for energy and motivation to keep moving forward. Picture a dog on the wrong side of the fence from his treat or when a child is relentless in their pursuit of a present or toy. Again, real desire always finds a way.
I asked Lisa WHY she wanted to start this new business and guided her to reconnect with her passion to be of service and wanting to Own her Financial Future. She was building her resilience and resolve to press forward, regardless of external circumstances or opinions.
Iron Sharpens Iron
It is important to be protective of your dreams/goals/ desires like you would of anything that has tremendous value for you. And, be very mindful of who you share them with. Do the people you are closest to want to grow and better their best? They don’t have to share your vision, BUT if you want support or encouragement for your goals, they do need to have a growth mindset. It takes discipline to not allow someone else’s limiting beliefs stop you from going after your dreams.
Make the decision that you are no longer willing to settle for less than you desire, regardless of what others may think.
Will it take hard work? Yes! Will it be worth it? Yes!
It’s your life!
Life is always about growth and expansion. Settling serves no one! In The Science of Getting Rich, Wallace Wattles discusses The Impression of Increase.
“Increase is what all men and all women are seeking: it is the urge of the Formless Intelligence within them, seeking fuller expression.”
Wanting more is fundamental in all of us (more money, more friendship, more food, more travel, etc.). When you acknowledge that desire to be, do or have something more in your life (professionally and/or personally) … know that it exists in you for a reason. Stay connected to your “why” and remember…
Your YES has to be bigger than their NO!
Wishing You Peace & Prosperity!
To Your Success,