26 Apr Are You Financially Fit?
An entrepreneur recently shared, “I know how to reach my physical fitness goals, but I never seem to get my finances in shape.”
He was frustrated and anxious to increase his income NOW. I asked what he was doing that helped him achieve those fitness goals.
“I hired a trainer to learn the best exercises for my goals and was very consistent with my workouts.”
People do not become successful by doing things periodically, they become successful by doing things consistently.
The same principles apply to improving your Financial Fitness.
If you want to lead a healthier lifestyle physically, it is important to cultivate the right habits as part of your fitness routine. You are not going to achieve your fitness goals by exercising once a month or eating a healthy meal only once a week. By the same token, If you’re only willing to deal with money periodically, odds are your financial situation will not change.
Whether you want to lose weight and improve flexibility or increase your income, it is important to be strategic with clearly defined action steps.
Some people think the right time to be creating positive money habits is after you bring more money in … wrong!
You can start employing positive money habits NOW, regardless of your current financial status.
By combining strategy and mindset, you can move forward and help close the gap between where you are and where you want to be financially.
1.Claim the Right Bold Money Goal
The right goal will pull you forward in life, allowing you to create the income and impact you desire. Your bold money goal should challenge you to step outside of your comfort zone. So, choose a goal that is big enough to cause you to stretch, but not totally freak out. Take your highest amount earned in a single month thus far and multiply it by 3. EX: If your highest monthly income has been 8K (8×3=24), your new bold monthly goal is 24K. Claim that goal! Own it! Once you make the decision, there is no turning back. When you are truly committed to a goal, your brain searches for evidence and opportunities to make it happen.
2. Stair Stepping
If you have a physical fitness goal of being able to bench press 250 pounds, but the most you’ve ever lifted is 100, you work your way up to the 250 goal in increments. The same principle applies to your financial goal. The reality, having a new bold money goal can trigger a lot of emotions. Using a stair-stepping strategy will help you stay out of overwhelm. Take the highest earning month you used before and increase it by 25%. The 8K increased by 25% equals 10K. This becomes your NEXT money goal that you will focus on achieving. As soon as you achieve it twice, raise that amount again. This does not change your bold money goal. But, as you keep stair stepping your way up, your bold money goal will feel more doable, keeping you out of overwhelm.
3. Stay Committed to Your Vision
As with anything you want to accomplish in life, commitment matters most. You cannot be a fair-weather fan and expect to achieve great success. Granted, staying committed to your vision can be challenging at times, especially when encountering obstacles along the path, but the choice is still yours. Napoleon Hill references “burning the ships” in Think and Grow Rich. Once you’re fully committed to a vision, you do not give yourself the option of turning back. It’s time to be “all-in” with your financial goals!
Wishing You Peace & Prosperity!
To Your Success,