Building a successful business is and always has been, about Building Relationships! Long-term success, in any industry, cannot be achieved without long-term relationships. At the end of the day, people still buy from people. Yes, closing a sale is important for all of us, BUT opening a...

Money impacts everyone on a daily basis, touches every aspect of a business and will always be a part of our lives. Yet, many people still feel disconnected and uncomfortable when dealing with their finances.  The truth, money is always about emotion and how you feel...

Gratitude leads to growth. And, you must be “all-in”. You cannot be a fair-weather fan. You’re either living a life of gratitude or you’re not. Like any relationship, it is not 50-50. It must be 100-100. Is every day completely good? No. Is there some good...

Covid-19 is a collective situation. Every individual is impacted in some way and we must be willing to pivot in order to adapt. An entrepreneur recently reached out and expressed concern about not being able to conduct “business as usual” since the service they provide can...

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