Growth through gratitude

Gratitude leads to growth.

And, you must be “all-in”. You cannot be a fair-weather fan. You’re either living a life of gratitude or you’re not. Like any relationship, it is not 50-50. It must be 100-100. Is every day completely good? No. Is there some good in every day? Yes. Let’s say you have 10 events that happen during your day….9 are successful and one doesn’t go well.

Which will you “choose” to focus on?

Living a life of gratitude does not mean you should be grateful that something goes wrong or that you deserved to be hurt. But, you can be grateful that you had the strength to deal with it. You can be grateful for any insights or lessons learned that can help you moving forward. Gratitude is acknowledging the good that already exists and building on that foundation.

If you only focus on the struggle, you stay in the struggle and resentment soon follows. Look for things in your life that you can be grateful for right now.

We all have the power to adjust our focus.

Wallace Wattles stated in The Science of Getting Rich, “The whole process of mental adjustment and atonement can be summed up in one word, gratitude.”

Gratitude is important in making a conscious change and creating what you truly desire in life. If you are willing to shift your perspective, you are opening yourself up to tremendous growth and more opportunities, especially when times are difficult and uncertain. Again, think about what you can be grateful for in this moment. Could it be family, your health, being able to communicate via technology, having food and shelter, having a skill set that allows you to adapt, etc.? There is always something to be grateful for. Write it down.

Yes, the Covid 19 pandemic has been difficult and painful in many ways. And, the anger and frustration felt by countless individuals must be expressed in the healthiest way possible. Whether you vent to a friend, go for a walk or run, or punch your pillow, LET IT OUT.

Remaining in anger and frustration will block our ability to learn and grow.

Napoleon Hill stated in Think and Grow Rich, “Opportunity often comes disguised in the form of misfortune or temporary defeat.” “Every adversity, every failure, every heartbreak, carries with it the seed of an equal or greater benefit.”

It is important to remember that there is tremendous potential for something of value to come from this.

Gratitude is key in moving forward.

As always, the meaning you give anything will determine the experience you have. Gratitude allows you to see what is good, giving your mind the instruction to LOOK FOR MORE, while keeping yourself OPEN TO POSSIBILITIES.

Gratitude leads to growth.

“The more you express gratitude for what you have, the more likely you will have even more to express gratitude for.” Zig Ziglar

What is in your life right now that you can be grateful for?

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