19 Apr “Whether you think you can, or think you can’t, either way you’re right.” Henry Ford
I’ve always appreciated this Henry Ford quote and use it as a reminder of the importance of our beliefs and how they impact our thoughts and actions.
A new client recently asked a great question…
How do I know if I have limiting beliefs?
Our beliefs are so automatic from years of experience, that many of us don’t take the time to really examine them and look at how they are affecting our lives (professionally and/or personally). We all know awareness is key!
If you are an entrepreneur or executive and a new opportunity is presented to expand business and increase income … where do your thoughts usually go?
- This will never work.
- We don’t have the time or money to make this happen.
- We probably won’t see a good ROI.
- This could really help grow the business.
- We could increase revenue moving forward.
- With support and the right strategy, I can make this happen.
If your beliefs make you feel small or disempowered in some way, then they are limiting! Life is about growth and expansion, but the direction of that growth is rooted in your beliefs.
You are most likely familiar with the phrase:
Energy flows where our attention goes.
This is in large part due to our Reticular Activating System (RAS), which acts as a filter for our brain. The RAS believes the thoughts you repeat are important and scans the environment to prove they are true.
The limiting beliefs and thoughts that you express are going to be reinforced by evidence found by the RAS. Focusing on why something won’t work is literally training your mind to find every excuse to keep you STUCK! Real growth cannot happen with that mindset. If you choose to believe that something is possible, your mind will look for the opportunities to help make that happen! So, which would you rather have reinforced in life, what’s going to work or not work?
We are always in a constant state of creation. But it is important to ask …
- Are you purposefully using that energy?
- Are you creating a life you want or don’t want?
Haven’t we all said at one time or another, “I wish things were different” regarding some area in life, yet continued to make the same choices, fueled by limiting beliefs?
Beliefs dictate our thoughts.
Thoughts dictate our actions.
If you have not achieved the desired results in your business or personal life, you know it is time for a change. And I fully acknowledge that releasing limiting beliefs is far easier said than done, but it is possible … regardless of age or circumstance. It is important to note that it isn’t solely about getting rid of beliefs that have not been serving you and your goals, but also replacing them with positive and empowering ones that will pull you forward!
Beliefs confirm and support our sense of identity!
Nothing changes if nothing changes.
Is there something else you want to be, do or have in life (professionally and/or personally), but have yet to take action in that direction? Perhaps you have thought about creating a new chapter professionally and then quickly talked yourself out of moving forward. Sound familiar?
If so, it is time to look in the mirror and ask:
“What would I have to believe to make this possible?”
If fear of making mistakes or failing in some form is holding you back, please remember this GPS analogy!
We plug in our desired destination into the GPS and then are given a specific route. If you end up off the designated route due to unforeseen circumstances, does the GPS say … You’re stuck. You’re Screwed. You have to stay here forever.
NO…..You will hear Rerouting or Recalculating.
So why don’t we have the same grace with ourselves?
Focusing on HOW you can make it happen, even when obstacles and challenges arise, is directly connected to your BELIEFS!
Remember Henry Ford’s wise words…
“Whether you think you can, or think you can’t, either way you’re right.”
Wishing you Peace & Prosperity!
To Your Success,