What Do You Need To Let Go Of?

What Do You Need To Let Go Of?

A new client recently shared, “I have been working so hard to grow my business and am barely getting by.” You could hear the frustration in his voice. I asked him what “working so hard” meant. He responded with a laundry list of items he had added to his business, yet still remained stuck.

In the quest of wanting more (money, time freedom, positive mindset, better health, connections, etc.) people often add on to what already exists, only to be left wondering why they haven’t made real progress.

Sound familiar?

You work harder, exercise longer, buy books and self-help programs (and so much more), and become frustrated that you haven’t achieved your goals.

It may be time for some literal and figurative Spring Cleaning.

If you want to experience growth (professionally and/or personally), you have to release things of a lower nature first, to make room for things of a higher nature to come into your life. If what you are currently doing isn’t yielding desired results, take a step back. Review your systems, products, services, habits, home environment, etc. BEFORE adding on anything new.  

Holding onto things that truly don’t serve you (and your goals), leaves no room to create the life that will feed your soul and your bank account.

And, it is important to be future-focused, especially when creating the path that is conducive to goal achievement. There is a significant reason why the windshield is exponentially larger than the rearview mirror. Energy flows where our attention goes, so keep your focus forward and start releasing!

Here are a few suggestions (that I use myself) to create the necessary space leading to different results?

  • Declutter your physical environment. 
  • Empty your mind of negative self-talk.
  • Review all business processes and services and release those that do not support business growth. 
  • Release daily habits that are not aligned with your goals.

Believe me, I know firsthand that “releasing” is not always a simple or easy task. BUT I also know that clutter and chaos create confusion, and growth is impossible with that mindset. Humans are often tempted to make choices that are familiar (hello comfort zone), hanging onto people, places and things, even when they are not aligned with their goals. One of the hardest lessons to learn is letting go.  

As with anything in life, the decision must come first. Decide you are going to release what doesn’t serve you and have grace with yourself.

“Sometimes letting things go is an act of far greater power than hanging on.”

                                                                                             Eckhart Tolle

Wishing You Peace & Prosperity!

To Your Success,


Transform your life with Eleni's new international best-seller, 'My Reinvented Life.'